Connecting you with top freelancers, instantly.

Most popular Services in Photo & Video
Most popular Services in Graphics & Design
How WeLoy works ?
Choose a freelancer
Browse skilled experts ready to help, and find the perfect match for your project.
Describe your project
Outline your requirements and goals to get an accurate quote. Paint the picture of your ideal outcome.
Pay safely
Secure transactions for peace of mind. Trustworthy payment options available (ABA, Wing, Visa, Mastercard).
Be satisfied
Ensure your project meets expectations. Quality work guaranteed, every time.

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Cambodia’s Freelance
Talent at Your Fingertips
Proof of quality
Browse a curated selection of top-tier freelancers. Check their work samples, client reviews, and verified identities to ensure you're hiring the best.
Pay with confidence
Secure your project's success with our trusted payment system. Funds are held safely until you're completely satisfied with the results.
Safe and secure
Enjoy peace of mind with secure payment options like ABA, Wing, Visa, and Mastercard. Your financial transactions are always protected with us.
Those who use it the most, speak of it the best.

Stunning experience.
Thomas Giordano

Highly recommended!
Piseth Sokha

Always extremely
Joseph Vann
Frequently Asked Questions
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WeLoy is a freelancer platform that connects talented freelancers in various fields with businesses in need of high-quality services in Cambodia.
Yes, WeLoy provides secure payment solutions, holding funds in escrow until the project is completed fairly and as per the specified terms. We support trusted payment options including ABA, Wing, Visa, and Mastercard.
Click on ‘Start as Freelancer’, create an account, complete your profile with your skills, experience, and portfolio, and create detailed service offerings with prices. Your profile and services will be submitted for approval by WeLoy before going live.
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